Monday we were so proud of Riley - he was one of only 3 in his class selected for a "Citizenship Award" for leadership, scholarship, and citenzenship. And Dale is finally over his ear infection so can enjoy his newly-acquired bike, so we decided to have a family day to celebrate. We had a nice long ride to Brahm's in Midwest City, then came back via Stanley Draper Lake - a beautiful ride. As I wrote about earlier, the air was so fragrant with the spring blossoms, and it was the perfect temperature. A gorgeous, sunny, windless (rare in Oklahoma) day.
After our ride, we packed up Riley's new rocket (now 24" compared to the 3" one we started with) and took it to the hillside by our church to launch. We could actually see this rocket as it climbed high into the air, then the chute opened and we could follow it down. (We appreciate that after the little one - it shot several hundred feet so quickly, we couldn't keep track of it.) It was so much fun to see Riley enjoying it. Mocha had a great time too - maybe we can train her to fetch the fallen rockets?? :)
Enjoy the video!